What is Agile Business Analysis?
Scrum does not have the role of "Business Analyst". Business Analysis skills are indispensable in Scrum. BA's need to adapt to

A Scrum Master IS NOT a Project Manager
There is much confusion in the industry about the role of a Scrum Master. This article clarifies the role and responsibilities of a Scrum M

Hello Project Manager. What is your Ikigai?
Ikigai is a Japanese concept for “what is your reason for being?”. It uses multiple perspectives to help us discover and lead a purposeful l

6 traits of Great Project Managers
Less than 20% of all Project Managers are good. Less than 4% of all Project Managers are great. What are the traits of great Project Manager

Is wasting time more acceptable than wasting money?
Many people think wasting time is more acceptable than wasting money. This article argues that is wrong. It shows the effects on projects of

3 simple ways to build a continuous learning culture
Continuous learning is the key for staff to make themselves future-proof and relevant. This blog shows how to implement a continuous learnin

Rules vs. Principles
This article analyses how rules and principles influence organizational agility. It provides recommendations with examples for how to frame

Are you an Agile sceptic?
Many people don’t believe in Agile. Some of them are even anti Agile. This article explores why that may be so despite the obvious benefits

Progress vs. Perfection
The quest for progress is better than the quest for perfection. Agile values are closely aligned with progress. Agile practices contribute t

Fail Fast and Win Fast
The phrase “Fail fast” has become one of the most misunderstood and misused clichés in the Business and Agile context. This article...